

You need a minimum of 2 x smiley head shots (slots 1 and 2) and 2 x full length (slots 3 and 4) showing body frame & size. We have facility for 10 images on your profile, so the remaining slots can be any equally suitable images, but any pose.

Baby home snap tips
1) Place a chair in-front of a plain white, or light coloured/blank wall.
2) Turn it sideways facing to the left of right
3) Sit holding baby sideways on to the camera and pop baby on your lap
4) Turn baby to face the camera, using your hand to support baby's neck and back from behind. Lean back, thus keeping yourself and your hands out of sight of the camera, creating an effect that baby is sitting up on their own.
5) Now have your 'photographer' just snap away! Babies will not generally smile on demand so you may have to encourage smiling and take plenty of shots to catch that perfect smile.
6) The agency will check your images after upload and help choose the best to use for promoting your baby.
7) Full length - At this age they are best photographed on a blanket, on the floor and on their side, or tummy. Get down to their level and make it fun time to get lots of smiles

Toddlers & Older - Shot 1 & 2
Headshot, looking at camera, standing against a plain, light coloured background (wall, blanket).
To avoid creating a 'passport' type shot, have them tilt their head just slightly on an angle, smiling and eyes bright and wide.
Avoid the folding of arms as that encourages shoulders to hunch up and can look uncomfortable, cute shots are best! Hair and head should be clear (no hats!), hair natural so show length and shot 1 must be in colour.

Shot 3 & 4 - Full length, sitting or standing
These can prove more difficult to take with toddlers, given that they may have only recently 'found their feet' and allowing for the terrible two's! The best suggestions for this is to first stand them in-front of a plain background area and then pose yourself to get them to copy you as a game while someone else snaps away.

If you find this difficult put some music on and encourage them to dance. These shots always look rather cute and more natural.

For a perfect and natural sitting shot sit them on a blanket and photograph them while they are playing. Ensure to use images where they are looking up or at the camera.

We have facility for 9 images on your profile, the remaining slots can be any equally suitable images, but different poses.

Shot 1 
Natural headshot, looking at camera, standing against a plain, light coloured background.
To avoid creating a 'passport' type shot, have them tilt their head just slightly on an angle, smiling and eyes bright and wide.
Avoid the folding of arms as that encourages shoulders to hunch up and can look uncomfortable, cute, natural shots are best! Hair and head should be clear (no hats!), hair natural so show length and shot 1 must always be in colour. NO FILTERS OR EDITING

Shot 2
Non-smiling full length, sitting or standing, looking at camera, and again NO FILTERS OR EDITING

Here are a few reminders to help your profiles look the best for clients.

1) Do not use filters, edit your images, include other people in the shot, have busy backgrounds. Clients need to see features clearly, so no hats, no glasses unless they are worn all the time, hair should be natural and minimal makeup/jewellery.

2) Please read your experience & hobbies field. Ensure you don’t have ‘no experience’, or similar, written within those fields - if so remove it to help with promotion. Do not write anything negative.

3) It is vitally important that you do not include an e-folio or personal weblink on your profile. These contain your personal contact details which is a clear conflict of interests. We cannot be held responsible for an artist not being submitted to a client if these are not removed.

4) As and when your child loses teeth and they grow back, please put this info in the health/allergies/teeth field in your profile. Likewise, the same applies to braces and if they develop chickenpox, COVID isolating etc.

5) Add dates you cannot make a casting, or shoot to your calendar in your profile. We may negotiate on your behalf with a client for weeks behind the scenes so need your availability to be accurate.

6) Check that reference to your skills and experiences is up to date re grades and level of achievement for clients. Also remember to add any new jobs you take part in into the work CV section (do not list auditions and do not put ‘have attended auditions’ in your info fields- this can be interpreted as a negative if they weren't booked.) Just put the name of the brand and date shoot took place. This must be proven work.

7) Check and update all sizes monthly and always enter in centimetres not inches.

8) Images should really be refreshed monthly to keep them current and fresh.

Image Upload Issues
If your page says you are unable to upload images, please ensure you have entered height, sos number, address & council name to allow upload. A red sign at the top of the page will appear to advise what is missing if this happens. Tagmin profiles should use desktop version only to add images, they will not work in the App.

When images are too large they may appear sideways. Scroll to the top of your page and click the image thumbnail to rotate, or downsize them and upload again. Tagmin images should be square shaped so crop them before uploading

If the page appears to freeze and not upload the images, then they are probably too large and your internet speed may affect upload. Each image should be smaller than 1mb so you will need to downsize them first.

You can downsize photos at

A quick guide tutorial to uploading images
1) Save images to your device you are going to upload from
2) Log in to your profile & click edit profile
3) Go to section 4 labelled at the top ‘image upload’ & scroll down to see image 1, image 2 etc 
4) Click ‘choose file’ under each one….doing shots 1,2,3,4 first as per instruction on the page and deleting any others already on the page which you are not replacing. Do not click the delete box on any you are trying to upload fresh shots, or they will also delete! You just upload over them.
5) Once you have grabbed each image from your device (like the application form you completed) you click the update details sign at bottom of the page and WAIT for the page to refresh.
6) Log out and in again and you will see what we see. If there are no images then try again. If you still struggle, try another browser. Google Chrome is pretty rubbish for profile amendments so try Firefox, or Safari if you have issues.

If you have completed all sections in your profile and uploaded images, and your licence docs onto your page, then you are fully activated for client view. Your expiry date will automatically be set for 12 months from activation.

If you struggle to log in, or have any admin issues whatsoever then please email for assistance
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