Once issued with log in details, your profile is live for clients to see.
The information you now submit determines what bookers and clients can see and how we submit you for work.
Clients search for BASE (closest largest city to where you live) and MUST be accurate to where you live and should be entered within 'personal' details, above address where it says 'Base'. This can be several cities but only where the artist is based (do not put London just because you think it will help if you do not live there)
Licence docs, terms, contract, checklist & troubleshooting guide are at bottom of this page
Don't forget we have an 'artist info' page for some great guidance for your time with the agency
To Do Checklist
1) Compete profile
2) Sign artist terms contract and upload
3) Complete and sign licence docs and upload
4) Email to confirm all done - please do not email until you have followed all steps below and completed fully
A final check video is here for you
We recommend using Docusign to sign documents: It’s completely free and will generate a “squiggle”.
For all ages
Within the invitation we sent you, there is facility for you to create a password to log into your Tagmin profile. Tagmin is the name of the software we use for all our artists. It is the fastest and most efficient agency software used by the majority of clients in the industry and has many fabulous features to help make your and our lives easier and your assigned booker handles all submissions for you.
You should also download the free TagminTalent app in the app store. This will be needed when doing self tape auditions for clients PLEASE DO NOT USE THE APP TO SET UP YOUR PROFILE, ADD IMAGES, OR LICENCE DOCS/CONTRACTS you should use desktop version.
Once logged in, complete all fields that you can. Especially accent, height, chest, hips, waist, shoe, skin colour etc. Without these you will not appear on a client search looking for particular criteria. Any other fields you can complete then please do, the more info available the higher your chance of fitting the right criteria for a client brief.
All children from newborn to adults who are still in full time education need a licence to work, which the agency and client apply for. It is very important we have the documentation ready now for you to work, so this needs to also be completed when you first set up your profile.
See PERFORMERS LICENCE section as the bottom of this page for instruction. Please do not ignore as clients will overlook you & without the ARTIST TERMS being signed and uploaded we cannot legally secure you work.
Once your images, licence docs, contract and other info is showing, then your profile is perfect to be submitted to clients and for them to see. There is no need to ask the agency if your profile is ready, what you see we can see, so check all is there and if it is then you are good to go!
You are unable to upload, or view images, add weblinks, or upload licence docs/contract using the App, so use the Tagmin desktop version.
Lifetime Members will receive a notification from the system a week before they expire as a further reminder with instruction on how to update. Mark your calendar for this time next year to update your images and try to update before they expire to remain active for clients to see. You have 3 months to update to remain within Terms. They should be updated yearly but refreshed before to reflect any visual changes.
Yearly Contracts should maintain their images and aim to refresh them regularly throughout the year to keep them current.
Accents are in the Skills section. Each accent in the list is duplicated, once without a star and once with.
If you choose an accent with the * then that becomes their native (natural) accent so choose that first, If an artist can do a convincing Russian (example) accent you should choose that, but not with the * so it is then displayed as a skill but is not their native (natural) accent
Don't forget that clients insist on up to date images of artists, and of course they change! So please ensure that the images reflect the artist that may be booked and walk through the clients door! Surprises with different colour, or length hair arriving for a shoot will result in them being turned away, so update your images when any changes occur. Lifetime Contract images should be changed yearly., but refreshed when needed
Babies, Featured Artists, Background Artists & Yearly Contract (pre 2022 signup)
You can use your own images - use our guide at to ensure they are suitable. We do recommend professional images where possible to improve chances of client selection.
Photographic Models - Joining after Jan 2022
You must use professional images on your profile. You are welcome to book a shoot with one of our studios if needed and use good snapshots until your appointment for a maximum of 30 days.
Lifetime Contract (signing prior to Jan 2022)
Over 3's should update annually with one of our studios.
Annual updates £70, including copy of images and full annual assessment
Please remember to complete and sign the contract agreement which is found below (green button) along with your licence docs. You cannot work legally without them.
Here are a few reminders to help your profile look the best for clients.
1) If you have professional images on your profile try to not deface the quality by adding poor quality snapshots into the other slots. It is better to have nothing in the last slots than poor shots. Clients do like to see a mixture of snaps and pro images but try to keep them to a standard and the first image MUST be a smiley headshot and in full colour.
2) Hobbies, skills with grades and levels is so important. Do not leave these blank
3) It is vitally important that you do not have a website address written in any field other than where they should be. There is facility for social media links and to add video if you wish. See 'personal details' in the menu, then under the training field at the bottom there is the word ‘weblinks’ where you can add links to video. Reference to any website with www. Or .com etc. will prevent a profile uploading into our software to send to clients. We cannot be held responsible for a child not being submitted to a client if the parent does not remove these.
4) As and when your child loses teeth and they grow back, please put this info in the health field in your profile. Likewise, the same applies to braces and if they develop chickenpox etc.
5) Add dates that you cannot make a casting, or shoot to your calendar on your profile. We may negotiate on your behalf with a client for weeks behind the scenes so need your availability to be accurate.
6) Check that reference to your skills and experiences is up to date re grades and level of achievement for clients. Also remember to add any new jobs you take part in into the correct section (do not list auditions and do not put ‘have attended auditions’ in these fields- this can be interpreted as a negative if they weren't booked) Just put the name of the brand and date the shoot took place. This must be proven work.
7) Check and update sizes monthly to be completely up to date. Tick the box to confirm if no change as that will date it for clients.
If you enter your password incorrectly 5 times it will block you, please wait 1 hour then try again. If it is still incorrect then please use the forgotten password facility to reset.
If Lifetime Contract images expire, you will be in a holding area away from client and bookers eyes and for a maximum 3 month period before being removed as per terms. You must book your updates session within this time to avoid removal using the Book A Shoot page on the website - an email will be sent with this info when you expire. Any UK lockdown period will be added to that timeframe.
Download the free TagminTalent app from the app store - it is not to be used for the gallery, media link adding, or licence uploading facilities, but you will need it for notifications and submitting client self tapes when requested to do so.
You must fill out your profile as best you can. The more info the better, but we MUST have a close up suitable head shot showing first at the top, height, chest, hips, waist, weight, shoe size and clothing size.
In addition to this add a variation of head shots and full lengths. Our studio update sessions provide the four most necessary shots but we also ask you to add new home shots in addition to those and change them regularly. Please refer to the Images do's and don'ts video above before uploading any home shots.
You must have licencing docs in place- without these another child who does have them ready to go will most likely be chosen over yours as most jobs are short notice and the client will not want to wait for a parent to dig out a copy of birth certificate, or figure out how to complete the form. You only need to do this once when you first set up. It only ever needs updating if you change schools, or home address of course, or the child secures a job as that needs to be added.
if you are registered with spotlight (optional) you MUST list Bizzykidz as your primary agent. If you want to join spotlight see our page
If you try to log in and it is asking for a 4 digit pin number that would mean you have set up 2 way authentication on the app and not completed it. So do not do that if you can help it!
If you cannot log in it usually means you have entered your details incorrectly more than 5 times and it has locked you out. You have to wait an hour for it to unlock. We would then suggest returning to the log in area and clicking forgotten password to get a reminder or reset.
If you cannot view images then you are probably in the app - use the desktop version and go to your gallery and you will find them there. Likewise if you can't find the legal and financial area, that is also only viewable in the desktop version.
REMEMBER you cannot upload images in the app,…..only in the desktop version - make sure you have saved the images you wish to use to the device you are logging in from, so either your computer, or laptop, then upload them from there. You might have slow internet speed and it is causing it to timeout, so if that is the issue then try making the images smaller. You can do this quite easily by emailing the image to yourself and choosing to send smaller versions. When they arrive in your email, save those smaller images to your device and upload again.
If you still struggle then maybe clear your cache and cookies, or use another browser.
Google chrome is usually an issue, so we suggest Firefox as a better alternative.
Don't forget we have an 'artist info' page for some great guidance for your time with the agency)
Please read below before completing forms as most do it wrong and sign where they shouldn't!
1) View the Artist Terms, as supplied in your acceptance letter.
2) Download the Artist Contract & Licence form above (green).
3) We recommend using Docusign to sign documents: It’s completely free and will generate a “squiggle”.
(leave any reference to previous work, or irrelevant details blank & ignore final page referring to attachments/images that is for the client.)
4) Take a photo of birth cert, or passport and save both that and the Contract & Licence form to your device
5) Log into your Tagmin account (desktop mode), within top menu go to 'personal' then 'Legal & financial' section.
6) Upload both the signed and completed forms & copy of birth cert, or passport using the 'UPLOAD/VIEW DBS' button.
NB: Do not type your name where it says sign, it must be your signature and do NOT sign where it says applicant on the Licence form as that is for the client! You will be able to view the items in the section if done correctly. Ignore reference to passport images, we supply those. Just complete, sign and upload with copy of ID as above. And do not contact the council! We do the rest!
Any issues with electronically signing please print, complete & sign then take a picture and upload that!