

YEAR CONTRACT - £80 (All ages can select this option)

Representation is for 12-months and you are able to use your own images.

Images can be good quality snapshots and once fully registered we will send you a very helpful guide on how to take these at home.

Towards the end of your contract you will be offered to renew if you wish with a loyalty discount.

Copy of our terms is towards the end of this page.

Deadline to proceed is 30 days from acceptance



Please see below the agency bank details to make payment by bank transfer

Lloyds Bank

Account holders name: Bizzy Studios London Ltd

Sort Code 30-90-76

Account Number: 40930560

Deadline to proceed is 30 days from acceptance

Please add your child's name as reference and email to confirm once processed.

Once payment has been made we will issue your log in details to you immediately and activate your profile for viewing to our clients and bookers for work.  The contract we are offering is not sole rep, so you are able to be registered with another agency.

If you would prefer professional images for your profile we do have appointed studios across the UK which we can recommend (this is optional and subject to national lockdown measures). You will be able to access use of our studios once fully registered, but not before as we subsidise the cost to you.

Our studios charge £70 for the 4 agency required photos, details of which are sent to you after your appointment. The sitting will also include a full agency assessment for our bookers, which can be helpful for our bookers. The turnaround is very fast, usually a couple of days max (sometimes same day), and you can use snapshots in the meantime to get your profile up and running if needed. Details on how to book will be sent once you are registered and your log in details are released to you. Booking in with our studios when on the yearly contract is optional.

Once you have logged in and have completed your profile, it will be immediately accessible for our clients and bookers. You will be submitted automatically for all work and once queried or confirmed for work by a client you will be contacted by text and then emailed by your booker.

You will also have option to add video and additional images.

We will be submitting your child for jobs that suit them based on the information you supply and your booker will contact you by text then email once queried or booked for work.

All you then need to do is ensure you have completed your profile correctly, keep your images, sizes and unavailability dates up to date and upload your licence docs as instructed to your profile, we do the rest!

Any questions let us know!

Newfaces Query Line

T 07745229413


Agency Artist Terms
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